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       Home  >  People  >  Tarah

     Well, there are just so many things that I could start off saying about Tarah. I think the first thing I will do, is show a picture as an example. Please click here to see my demonstration.

     Now, as you have seen in the photo, those are buffalo. I just want to draw to everyone's attention that they are in a field, not a forest, and obviously not in the great state of Vermont. That seems fairly obvious, correct? Well, here is an interesting story relating to:

  • Tarah;
  • Buffalo;
  • A forest and;
  • Vermont.
     The following is some background information that sets up the story. In the summer of 2000, Tarah and Brittany were on a trip to a Vermont campground. Being that far North, the area tended to be fairly well forested. Tarah also has the tendency to be quite gullible sometimes (or to be more precise, whenever she is not sleeping).

     To cut to the chase, Tarah and Britt met two guys while staying there. While having a conversation with the guys, it became mentioned that Tarah was gullible. Out of the blue, one of them blurted out "Look! Buffalo!" while pointing towards another part of the campground. Tarah's gullible, and hilarious, response was "Where?" while she turned to look for the large cow-like beast in the middle of Vermont.

     Oh, Tarah, you're welcome. I know that you wanted the world to know the story, so I shared for you! :-D

For a photo, go here.